

  • Announcements

    Announced by Communication Kalingalinga SDA Church on Feb 08 2013

    9th February 2013 Announcements

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    1. There will be an Elder's board on Sunday 10th Feb 2013 at Mt Main
      starting at 08:30hrs. All serving elders to attend without fail.
    2. There will be Youth Executive meeting on 10th February 2013 at 08:00hrs at Chitukuko and the Council at 14:00hrs at the same venue.
    3. There will be Pathfinders drills preparation at Valley View from 8:00hrs to 16:00hrs on 10:00hrs. To attend are 13 local Pathfinders and Directors. Carry packed lunch.
    4. There will be a Publishing seminar on 24th February 2013 at Mt Main.
    5. There will be an Adventurers’ outing to Kalimba Farm on Sunday 24th February 2013. Fees are just KR40 per child.
    6. The stewardship month started on 2nd February 2013 and will run up to 23rd February 2013 and Preachers have been assigned to all churches. Elders and the SSPC should ensure the success of the program. 
    7. Family Life week of prayers starts on 9th February 2013 in all churches, Family life emphasis day on 16th February 2013.
    8. There will be Family life/ Epaphras seminar and A.Y leadership workshop on 17th February 2013.
    9. There will be Education seminar on 10th February 2013, and Dorcas will visit Palabana/Mapili.  
    10. There will be A.Y door to door  evangelism on 24th February 2013 while Dorcas will visit M’tendere east and valley View


  • Announcements

    Announced by Communication Kalingalinga SDA Church on Feb 01 2013

    02 February 2013 Announcements

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    There will be a drills workshop for pathfinder directors on Sunday 3rd February 2013 at Mass Media SDA Church starting at 08:00hrs – 16:00hrs.Carry packed lunch.

    There will be a joint youth council for central Zambia and Lusaka conferences at city church at 09:00hrs. This will be a unique council and youths are urged not to miss. Come with local church and district list of leaders with their contact details, email addresses, cell numbers and their time management for 2013.

    There will be a Lusaka conference personal ministries council at Libala SDA Church on Sunday, February 3, 2013. All PM council members to attend without fail at 08:30hrs.

    There will be a Sabbath School council on Sunday 3rd February 2013 at M’tendere main starting at 08:00hrs. All Sabbath school officers to attend, teachers inclusive.

    The stewardship month starts on 2nd February 2013  and Preachers have been assigned to all churches. Elders and the SSPC should ensure the success of the program.

    There will be AMO seminar on 3rd February 2013 starting from 09:00hrs at M’tendere main SDA Church. All men to attend. All participants to contribute KR30 towards snacks and stationery.

    There will be children ministries leadership seminar on 3rd February 2013 at M’tendere main at 08:00hrs to 12:00hrs.All children ministries and their elders in charge to attend.  All district executive to meet on 2nd February 2013 at 15:00hrs at M’tendere main to look into the seminar issues.

    Family Life week of prayers starts 9th February 2013 in all churches

    There will be Education seminar on 10th February 2013, and Dorcas will visit Palabana/Mapili.